ITT CEVIT News: Innovative agricultural machinery subsidies.

ITT CEVIT News: Innovative agricultural machinery subsidies.

ITT News: Innovative agricultural machinery subsidies in Castilla La Mancha.

Castilla-La Mancha government contributes to the replacement of new generations and the modernisation of the agricultural sector with a subsidy campaign that will end on 20 October this year.



The aid will take the form of a grant with a basic amount which may be increased in the following circumstances:

  • Recruitment of staff on a continuous basis on the holding.
  • Investments that contribute to the efficient and sustainable use of resources.
  • Participate in R+D+i projects. (1,000 euros)
  • Be a member of a priority associative entity (EAPIR or EAP of supra autonomous interest) or Producer Group.


Who can benefit from this campaign?

Young people between the ages of 18 and 41

Some of the requirements to qualify for a subsidy: more

  • They must not have set up a business before the 24 months prior to applying for the subsidy.
  • Setting up for the first time as a professional farmer and owner of an agricultural holding, either exclusively, as a co-owner or as a partner.
  • Present a Business Plan for the creation of the new holding.
  • Have a tutor (officially qualified in agriculture, veterinary or forestry) to guide the installation process.
  • Fulfill the conditions of active farmer in a maximum period of 18 months.


It must also meet certain logical conditions, such as that the farm has the necessary means to develop the activity, comply with all environmental regulations, animal health and welfare, subsidies, prevention of occupational risks, etc.


At ITT Cevit in Villarrobledo we offer young farmers a series of machines which, due to their contribution to innovative, efficient and sustainable production, make them worthy of one of these subsidies. These include our range of grape harvesters, Mañez and Lozano atomizers and the cutters, sweepers, growers with inter wines of the Industrias David brand.


If you want to receive more information about Castilla La Mancha's subsidies for innovative machinery, as well as our machines,


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14 de octubre de 2018

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